Today's horoscope: May 3, 2024  


Gold and bonds often yield high returns. A morning workout will keep you energised all day. You handle a difficult job scenario and are praised. Family members may share housework.


You might use creativity to make money. Your fantastic shape and physique will attract compliments! Your effort may be valued by all. Following a family tradition strengthens bonds. 


Good money or transaction news awaits. Some may start over to get healthy. Smooth sailing professionally is predicted. You will be most understanding with family and will satisfy spouse moods. 


Someone will give you good remarks, which will please you. Some may get a professional advancement. Someone eligible in the family will likely marry shortly. Some homemakers may spit and polish. 


Your financial stability is secured if you increase your earnings. Active living prevents minor diseases and energises you. Excellent work opportunities await those seeking them. 


A good time begins when things go well. Take on varied tasks to amaze everyone professionally. Profitable reinvestment of past investments is a good idea. 


Money from prior investments promises to keep your bank balance healthy. Self-denial keeps you fit and healthy. You may impress important people professionally. 


Socially, you may be popular. You may meet someone who boosts your self-esteem. Healthy as ever. Career prospects improve and may require migration. You are financially secure. 


Some academics have good news. Your efficiency at work will impress important people. Living an active life will keep you fit and healthy. Cut excessive spending by tightening your purse. 


Better to keep your opinion on someone to yourself than to offend others. Professional efforts will continue. The focus of students will return. Today is fortunate for property ownership, so go for it. 


New health regime results in top physical condition. Property decisions can go your way. Cross your fingers for good news. A trip with loved ones is recommended and entertaining. Consider your actions at work—someone may take offence. 


Those who want to make money may have to make tough choices. Managing family and friend health lectures will be harder than gym workouts. Increased workload may keep you busy all day.