Three Love-Struck Zodiac Signs on May 4 

Sometimes we reject love and sometimes we resist it, especially when our hearts migrate to the other person's camp  

It's like we can't help ourselves, and an Aries Moon may make us give up. We know whose side will triumph this Saturday in the struggle between our hearts and minds.  

This Saturday's surprise will shock you and make you laugh out loud. Here on Earth, the Aries Moon is above and below. The perfect storm is coming 

1, Virgo 

To meet someone who will become very precious to you at the proper moment and place is perfection for you.  

Sagittarius, falling madly in love on May 4 seems impossible, but who are you to judge yourself? You can fall in love, and with the Aries Moon driving you into the arena, you'll fall in love and feel that fantastic rush of love that only comes to people about to lose their minds over someone else—in a good way

2. Sag  

Nice to be in love. After spending so much time trying to prevent falling in love, it just happens without your knowledge, so you go with it. The Aries Moon energy will make you happy as you strive for the right to love again.  

Life is for living, and on May 4, the Aries Moon is high, so much of your living will focus around new feelings for a new person. You never thought you'd love this person, but you did. Even the great Capricorn can fall in love occasionally.  

3. Capricorn  

The Aries Moon makes you believe in love. You want to be part of it and feel like you've spent your life rationalising it. Capricorn, stop rationalising. Falling in love cannot be explained, and if you question Saturday's events, you will miss it.   

 May I ask why Canelo is involved in Munguia's fight? So, Charlo, what about Benavidez?

 Thanks For Watching
