This clever optical illusion Lion King poster is a roaring success

 Creative Bloq loves movie posters, and occasionally fan designs beat studio ones.   

 The brilliant optical illusion Scar dominates the Lion King poster.  

 When posted on Reddit, Antoine Dubot's Lion King poster was lauded.  

 "I think it is really well done; I like the style of the digital paint strokes," one fan said (many fans want Disney to return to hand-drawn animation).  

 The imagination and talent needed to develop and execute this beautifully is astounding. Flawless, simple, and expressive.

 Since the Lion King is about Simba, not Scar, it may be a character poster. Fans say there could be other variations.  

 Fan-made movie posters used to be more inventive.  

 Remember those great Lord of the Rings posters? We're delighted the tradition continues.  

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