The Most Difficult Time Finding Love Is Had By Women Who Believe These 3 Myths 

We all deceive ourselves about many things. We ignore certain difficulties or say the diet starts on Monday.  

Even if we know the lies we wish to believe may be stopping us from what we desire, we do it. Three popular dating "tips" are myths that damage women's self-esteem and prevent them from discovering true love in happy, healthy partnerships.  

The first myth women believe is that they must love themselves to have healthy relationships with men. Thus, they avoid relationships until they're confident. This damages women in two ways: first, projecting too far into the future is risky since delaying X until Y ends leads to regret.  

1. "I must love myself first before I can love someone else."  

Another issue is that this mindset stops women from using the relationship to love themselves more. A solid relationship can drive women to success. Your relationship can help you love yourself more.   

Most women believe it's weak to depend on men because they've been let down. And I'm not talking about relying on men for money or food. Let your defences down and let love in on a deeper level.  

2. "It's weak to depend on a man."

Dependence is real and opens you up to someone having your back, which is a recipe for a strong relationship. Your companion may be inspired to be powerful.  

This falsehood is the most common and toughest to overcome. Many women think if they change, the male will too. They take too much responsibility for their partner's character or pursue emotionally unavailable men.  

3. "If I'm good enough, he'll change for me."  

This makes women accept a dying relationship. Best relationships are about embracing people as they are, not changing them.  

 May I ask why Canelo is involved in Munguia's fight? So, Charlo, what about Benavidez?

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