The four zodiac signs most affected by the new moon in Taurus on May 7  

A new era begins on May 7th, 2024, when the eclipse season has ended short. Saturn in Pisces can accentuate the lessons of the new moon in Taurus, making them feel fresh and inspirational.  

Jupiter and Venus are also in the same sign, which increases the transit's impact on permanent placements.   

Nonetheless, collectively, we will be driven to remove certain aspects of ourselves that are slowing us down, with Mars in Aries hastening the process.  

It is a time when we take an honest look at ourselves and assess the impact that the concept of love has had on our lives.  

This is a triumphant time for you, with numerous planets in your sign revealing a huge story that began last year with Jupiter's entry into your sign.  

1. Taurus

Prepare for an upgrade as the new moon in Taurus continues to raise you over the next six months. With this transit, you will receive a plethora of blessings and accolades, which can be exhilarating.   

2. Leo

The new moon in your relationship house is expected to amplify the same subjects that Jupiter's stay in Taurus has highlighted over the last year.   

3. Scorpio

Given the powerful transits you're experiencing, the new moon in Taurus will provide extra insight to help you rewrite your story.   

4. Aquarius

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