Overnight Chocolate Chia Seed

Chia seeds have been popular for what appears to be the past five years. That's presumably because its applications are unlimited.   

My favorite method to use chia seeds is to replace flax seeds in recipes like Flax Egg, Simple Fruit Compote, and Grain-Free Granola.   

However, when I discovered that they could also be used to make creamy, luscious pudding, I had to try it. Consider this recipe a simplified version that is naturally sweetened, vegan, and gluten free.   

Anyone can do it! It's also high in omega-3 fatty acids and makes an excellent breakfast on the road. If that doesn't sell you, I'm not sure what will (Rhonda).   

This dish is simple, requiring only six basic ingredients that are quite flexible.  This is the beauty of chia pudding. Once you've found the perfect chia seed-to-liquid ratio, the flavor choices are limitless.   

Prepare this the night before for a luxurious breakfast or midday snack. Alternatively, prepare it in the morning for a hands-free, simple dessert to unwind from the day.   

You can't go wrong in either situation! And it keeps for a few days in the fridge, if you can resist sneaking spoonfuls for that long.   

I'm a little late to the chia seed pudding party, I know. However, this does not preclude me from being an enthusiast.

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