May 3rd :Today's Horoscope


If you are very practical in your approach, things ought to go well for you. There could be ups and downs. It may not be a great time for romance for you - be aware of relationship issues and take time to reassess your priorities.  Colour: Indigo  


What you feel you need is a good dose of fun and laughter. Take some time out and be aware that everything will go your way. you need to keep an eye on your words and actions, as you may say or do things that follow you about for a while afterwards...


Make sure you always get the full story on everything you do, every contract you get into and every new person you meet so as to be clear on what's happening. Stay away from 'get rich quick' types of people. Seek good independent advice on any projec...


An unexpected windfall or gain comes your way. Open your heart and watch a romance unfold and bloom. Do not rush into long range financial commitments. A surprising encounter could lead to a lifelong friendship. Colour:  Pink        Number:  4


Don't take your frustrations out on the ones you love. You experience delays or additional red tape in official work. Today you work, but also enjoy a sense of accomplishment. Your instincts will be at their sharpest and it would be best to trust you...


Take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. Put your efforts into being creative. Career opportunities abound, but not the day for big decisions. Learn to trust more and believe that everything happens for a reason. Colour: Mauve Num...


You are intelligent enough to know that all that glitters is not gold, but today it will be easier than ever to see the truth behind people's false fronts. Nothing is what it seems in love though, so avoid making hasty decisions before you have seen ...


Events today will give reason to smile. You feel more confident now about where you are heading. Accept invites to parties and gatherings, as they will put you in the path of important people and help you network.  Colour: Mango  number: 5


You know that change is in the air, but you're not quite sure how to deal with it. You're forcing issues which, deep down inside, should be better left to unravel on its own.. Use today to think things through. Colour: Purple     Number: 2


Being aggressive with colleagues is not the answer. Your partner proves troublesome today. Avoid confrontations. You will find many reasons for frustration with family and co-workers. Colour: Magenta          Number: 3


Female members of your family may play on your emotions A colleague or business partner could prove troublesome. Avoid conflicts — they will not bring good outcomes.  New associates and partners need closer scrutiny. Speculation not viable.  Colour: ...


Relationships with the opposite sex are intensified now. You may be tempted to act on an infatuation. Spend wisely to pace your resources to last through the coming challenges. Colour: Copper   Number:    6