Komixx Entertaiment Options Simon Mayo’s Teen Series ‘Itch’

 Komixx Entertainment has acquired worldwide film and TV rights to Simon Mayo's Itch teen book series.  

 Random House Children's Screen Entertainment (RHCSE), Komixx's joint venture with Random House, will create the series for numerous platforms.  

 In 2012 and 2013, Random House published two Itch novels that were bestsellers in Britain and the U.S. This year brings Itchcraft, the third installment.  

 The stories follow 14-year-old Itchingham Lofte, who discovers a new chemical element.  

 He searches for all periodic table elements to save the planet from evil scientists in a series of escapades.  

 “Simon's main character, Itchingham, is terrific,” said Komixx Entertainment joint president and head of film,,,

Strong characters and appeal allowed us to imagine a digital transmedia property, providing us a real possibility to extend the tale experience.  

 Simon Mayo said, “I'm way too excited for my age.  

 I always thought Itch would find a corporation that understood and could see it like myself.  

 Now I have! Globalizing this element hunt.”  

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