It Isn't Love... Unless You've Had These 7 Things. 

 Since it creates waves of euphoria and pain that seem to crash at the slightest provocation, it defies rationality.   

Inception is when someone changes your life. It could be someone you've known for years or met just hours ago. Regardless, you focus on that person, which scientists call salience.  

1. Inception

Next, thoughts of love enter your mind. You replay conversations, remember his outfit one night, or remember her grin.  

2. Intruder mind  

Science disproves the belief that lovers idealise their partners. Crystallisation is the third step of falling in love. This is when you see your partner's strengths and weaknesses.  

3. Crystallisation  

Crystallisation involves want, hope, and uncertainty. After discovering who your partner is, you crave a relationship.  

4. Want, hope,ncertainty 

 Scientists say you'll develop hypomania. This energy rush makes you feel like you need little food or sleep.

5 hypomania  

 Falling in love motivates people to win over their partner.

6. Jealousy and drive

Your powerful emotions may eventually turn into powerlessness. The obsessiveness may first depress you, but you may wonder why you acted so irrationally.

 7. Helplessness

 May I ask why Canelo is involved in Munguia's fight? So, Charlo, what about Benavidez?

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