How Does The Brain Perceive Optical Illusions?

 AsianScientist (Mar. 25, 2016) Chinese researchers revealed which brain region processes optical illusions,,,

 The simple act of opening our eyes involves a vast and complicated cerebral network.  

 Visual illusions have interested humans for thousands of years, and studying the mismatch between perception ,,,

 and reality helps us comprehend the creative nature of the human visual system and may reveal how our brain functions.  

 A remarkable example of rotating motion perception without real motion is the Pinna illusion.  

 Approaching or receding concentric rings of static rhombi inclined oppositely causes strong illusory counter rotation.  

 In the human brain, where and how does this well-known phenomena occur,,,

 The Institute of Neuroscience, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences examined Pinna illusion representation in early ,,,

 and intermediate visual areas using human psychophysics and fMRI.   

 The Pinna figure engaged the medial superior temporal (MST) subarea of the human middle temporal complex more than the middle temporal subarea in the dorsal visual stream.  

Luis Fonsi Tried to Get Ariana Grande on ‘Despacito’ Before Justin Bieber 

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