A Relationship Needs These Three Mini-"Check-Ups" On A Regular Basis 

Anyone who's been in a relationship understands it's hard. Though films and romance books make them seem easy, they're not. Loving, living, and yearning after someone for 70–80 years is difficult  

A relationship tune-up can keep you from asking how to fix a relationship after it's too late, much like regular medical checks can prevent a severe health catastrophe.   

New and wonderful things happen in new relationships. Spending time together is easy. As a relationship evolves, spending time together becomes difficult. After business trips, family responsibilities, and parent/teacher conferences  

1. Be together.  

you may need to plan time together. Plan it. Everyone knows life gets in the way—no guilt in this. Beware of paving a good road but not travelling on it. So, don't arrange time together and forget it.   

Even if you're healthy, visit your doctor once a year with your companion. Meet monthly or bimonthly to discuss issues. Feel like your partner isn't helping as much with housework? Bring it up.  

2. Check in.  

Are you disturbed by their frequent weekend outings with friends? Address it. Do you feel unsupported in your hobbies? Say something. It's good to have some ground rules to ensure a peaceful check-in before starting.  

The lack of intimacy between married couples and long-term partners is a constant joke in every comedy routine, but it's often real. Lack of intimacy—natural and pleasurable but often nonexistent—is one of the main reasons people question how to restore a relationship. Intimacy matters (even for non-men).  

3. Intimate 

Without it, lovers risk becoming roommates. Start getting intimate if you're not. Try even if you only go through the motions. pretending it till you make it may work (and soon you won't be pretending much).  

 May I ask why Canelo is involved in Munguia's fight? So, Charlo, what about Benavidez?

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