4 Zodiac Signs Most Affected By The New Moon In Taurus On May 7

This new moon will have a noticeable impact on those whose rising, sun, or moon positions fall under certain signs. Here's why. 

After the brief eclipse season, a new era will begin on May 7th, 2024. With Saturn in Pisces bolstering them, the lessons learned during the new moon in Taurus may feel novel and motivating. 

Venus and Jupiter are also in the same sign as the moon, thus the influence of the transit on fixed positions will be amplified. 

Mars in Aries will expedite this process, but overall, we will be forced to let go of certain aspects of ourselves that are holding us back. 

With several planets in your sign illuminating a major narrative that started last year with Jupiter's ingress into your sign, this is a triumphant time for you. 

1. Taurus

For the following six months, the new moon in Taurus will continue to boost you, so get ready for an upgrade. With this transit, you are going to be showered with blessings and accolades, and it can be rather exhilarating. 

2. Leo

Jupiter has been illuminating the same subjects for the past year during his stay in Taurus, and now the new moon falls in your partnership house. 

3. Scorpio

The new moon in Taurus will provide more insight to help you rework your story, especially in light of the strong transits you are currently experiencing. Venus and Jupiter are both in Taurus, providing you with the solidity at home that will keep your foundation strong. 

4. Aquarius

4 Signs of the Zodiac Indicate Aquarius Soulmates